Type 2 Diabetes Risk Questionnaire For Youth And Young Adults
Fighting Diabetes and Preserving a Legacy
Fighting Diabetes and Preserving a Legacy
You can have pre-diabetes or undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes without having any obvious warning signs or symptoms.
40% of those living with diabetes do not know they have it.
The longer Type 2 diabetes goes undiagnosed, the greater your risk of developing serious medical complications that will decrease your quality of life and might reduce your life expectancy. Early detection is essential.
Knowing your risk can help you to make healthy choices now that will reduce your risk and possibly prevent, or at least delay, development of Type 2 diabetes.
This questionnaire is intended to help those age 8 – 18.
Parents please help your younger children to answer the questions.
Families may benefit from reviewing the following information together especially, as a way to help younger children understand their risk.
No one knows for sure just how many youth and young adults have Type 2 diabetes but Type 2 diabetes in youth and young adults is increasing worldwide.
Type 2 diabetes is NOT just an adult disease and is appearing in children as young as 8 or even younger. As you get older, the risk of developing diabetes goes up.
Type 2 diabetes is progressive and can be ‘invisible’ for a long time. It is possible that cell damage is already in progress at the time of diagnosis that can lead to diabetes-related complications. 40% of those who have Type 2 diabetes, or pre-diabetes, do not know they have the condition.
Excess body fat stored around the abdomen (rather than hips and thighs) is a risk factor for developing Type 2 diabetes. Being over-weight or obese significantly increases the risk for Type 2 diabetes.
Many people with undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes have high blood pressure.
A previous test result indicating abnormally high blood sugar may indicate temporary problems or prediabetes and may be a warning sign of a high risk of developing diabetes in the future.
There are significant relationships between and among obesity, mental health issues and diabetes.
Diabetes risk is different for various ethnic groups and can affect different groups in different ways.
Families may benefit from reviewing the following information together especially, as a way to help younger children understand their risk.
Families need to consider early checking for the possibility of the presence of Type 2 diabetes.
70% of Type 2 cases can be prevented, or at least delayed by healthy eating, modest daily exercise and not smoking. The very same actions can help reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications.
Regular physical activity is a key element in controlling weight and reducing the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Family walking, cycling or swimming are great ways to have fun and become more active. Aim for an average of 30 minutes per day, or 150 minutes per week of physical activity.
Eating foods that are rich in fibre, reducing the amount of fat and salt in food selections and adding more fruits and vegetables, can help to maintain or lose weight. Many healthy eating guides, for example, recommend 7 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables each day, depending on age and gender. Counting total calories, as well as the amount of fat, fibre and salt (sodium) intake, is something that families can do together.
Diabetes and high blood pressure are often found together. Risk of high blood pressure can be reduced also by increasing physical activity, reducing salt and fat in your diet, avoiding alcohol and tobacco use, reducing stress, and maintaining a healthy body weight.
The Foundation is dedicated to fighting diabetes, contributing to increased awareness and supporting the search for insights that reduce risk and help people living with diabetes to realize a better quality of life.
For more information on diabetes see www.bantinglegacy.ca.
Did this questionnaire prove helpful for you? Do you have improvements to suggest? Please tell us at T2RQ@bantinglegacy.ca.